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 • Beauty  • What is BioTech Beauty and How Can You Incorporate It into Your Routine?

What is BioTech Beauty and How Can You Incorporate It into Your Routine?

With biotechnology and science taking up every other aspect of our life, it is only smart to have biotechnology incorporated into our skincare. Biotechnology, which is the combination of bio (life) with chemistry or technology is a rapidly developing field where biological processes are utilized to give birth to new technologies.

Biotechnology is a great way to cope with the increasingly depleting natural resources. Unfortunately, the beauty industry is a really big consumer of natural resources. The use of biotechnology in the beauty industry is a great strategy to produce raw materials without harming the environment.

Biotech Beauty

All of us love to use the so-called natural ingredients in our regimes. We run after cruelty-free ingredients but we often forget that using plant-based ingredients may do good to the animals but is wrecking the environment. Whether it is oils or extracts, most of them are sourced from crops and plants. In the race to get the best skin, we often forget how damaging it can be to the environment.

The clean beauty revolution has anything but caused the shift to more environmentally friendly ingredients in beauty and skincare products. These environment-friendly ingredients are best sourced through biotechnology in a laboratory. Biotech beauty is met with much enthusiasm as it ensures that the world is getting safer from the depleting effects of the beauty industry as well as being cruelty-free.

Incorporate BioTech Beauty into Your Routine

Incorporating biotech beauty in your life is more of a lifestyle change than a product change. People often wonder if lab-grown products are natural or as effective as the products synthesized directly from nature. The answer is yes. There is no reason why lab-grown materials should not be efficacious when their genetic origin is the same. The lab-grown ingredients are identical to the ones found in nature. It’s the same genes and the same bacteria at work who make those ingredients. Instead of being in the environment, they are rather grown in a lab by a different genetic approach.

Biotech beauty gives the whole clean beauty revolution a different perspective. Clean beauty is not just limited to being vegan and cruelty-free. Rather, it is now based on ethically sourced ingredients that do not damage the environment.

There are many examples of how biotechnology is taking over the beauty industry by storm. It is producing way more effective products which yield better and safer results than any other production method.

Anyone can vouch how amazing the Enzymatic ingredients in anti-ageing products work.

Beauty products are now employing certain bacteria, growth factors, stem cells, as well as algae, and many macronutrients to reach the desired results and they are so successful in doing so.

Acids such as hyaluronic acids and lactic acids are our favourites when it comes to skincare. Most of us can testify how our skincare regime is incomplete without these acids which are developed through biotechnology. 

It is a win-win situation for both the environment as well as us. What’s not to like about BioTech beauty, hm?


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