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 • Food  • How To Get Your Diet Back On Track After The Holidays

How To Get Your Diet Back On Track After The Holidays

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all the days around those holidays can really throw our healthy diets off track. All the heavy holiday meals and hearty side dishes are not only hard on our stomachs but hard to get rid of, as well. Food and diet can be sensitive topics for many, including me. However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to eat healthily and be at a healthy weight. If you fell off track during the holidays, and you are looking for ways to get your diet back on track, here are some simple but effective tips that have always helped me.

Start by increasing your water intake

When making changes to your diet and lifestyle, start with baby steps. Before you make any changes to your actual diet, let’s first work on your water intake. Are you drinking enough fluids? The answer to that question is probably no. If you have a hard time keeping yourself hydrated, I would suggest starting by adding fresh lemon or ginger to your water. That will give it some extra taste and freshness, and it will also get your digestion going again after those heavy holiday meals. Citrus fruits are alkaline and help to de-acidify the body and relieve bloated stomachs. Just put a piece of lemon in a glass of water. Whether it’s hot or cold is up to you. But a nice cup of hot lemon water will warm you up during those cold winter days.

Colorful foods

Holiday meals are known to be rich in carbs, fats, and calories. Yes, they are delicious, but they will also make you feel stuffed, bloated, and heavy. You know how the only thing you want to do after your holiday meal is take a nap? Well, that’s because our digestive systems work overtime while the rest of us in on our holiday breaks. In the days after the feast is over, try adding lots of colorful fruits and vegetables to your diet. They will be much easier for your stomach to process, and they will also give you the much-needed energy kick that you will need after Christmas is over.

Freeze the leftovers

It can be tempting to keep eating the leftovers for days after Christmas has passed. But there is a much better solution. Just freeze the food that is left behind! You will have some cheat meals ready, and you will also be off to a good start before New Year’s Eve. We know that it can be tempting to wait until December is over. However, if you start a few days ahead, it will even further motivate you to stick to your New Year’s resolutions. You don’t have to make any drastic changes right away, but if you keep eating fatty and heavy foods for days after the holidays are over, it will be much more difficult for you to stop. 


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