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 • Beauty Tips  • How to Incorporate Microdosing into Your Skincare Routine

How to Incorporate Microdosing into Your Skincare Routine

A wise economist, Theodore Levitt, once said, “Anything in excess is poison.”

And that, my friend, is true for skincare too. No matter how troublesome your skin may be, applying multiple skincare products twice or thrice a day won’t make it heal any faster. Instead, it might just make the situation worse. 

“But, Munira, I can’t NOT do anything either.” You say. “I’ll go crazy if I just let my skin be without treating it with what it needs.”

You’re not wrong either. We can’t just let our skin be. We need to treat it – but, the right way.

Now, what is the right way, you ask?

Enter Microdosing.

What is Microdosing in Skincare

Microdosing refers to exposing your skin to active skincare ingredients in small concentrations. 

To eliminate irritation, burning, or redness, it is best to introduce any new skincare ingredient in a lower percentage slowly and gradually. Especially if its a potentially irritating active like retinol, AHA, BHA, Vitamin C, and likes. 

Please note that the keywords here are “lower concentration” and “gradually”.

When & How Should You Microdose Skincare?

Some general rules shall help you navigate a safe and effective way to incorporate microdosing into your skincare routine. 

  1. It is best to apply skincare products with active ingredients at night, followed by a generous helping of sunscreen in the day. This will allow enough time for it to sink into the skin and work its magic. (Vitamin C is an exception. That is recommended to be applied before sunscreen to increase the efficacy of both.)
  2. If you are trying out a new active, make sure you first get it in the lowest percentage. Even after that, apply it sparingly on your face for the first few weeks – the combination of both these practices is where the gist of microdosing lies.
  3. Stick to one active at a time. 
  4. Microdose in between layers of hydrating skincare products. This step will further minimize the chances of adverse reactions.    

Who Should Microdose Skincare?

Micrdosing is for everyone who is new to an active skincare ingredient like retinol, AHA, BHA, Vitamin C, etc. However, it is especially beneficial for sensitive skin types and compromised skin with pre-existing issues like rosacea or acne. 

The Verdict

Hence proved – less is more.

Seriously though, the reason we recommend microdosing in skincare is because of its effortless and harm-less results. That is, when you slowly introduce your skin to foreign substances in mild concentrations, your skin will not be overwhelmed by them. Instead, it will work with it to render to you the skin of your dreams.


These are the Plant-Based Ingredients You Want in Your Skincare Products 

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