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 • Beauty  • The Benefits of Using Rice Water on Your Hair

The Benefits of Using Rice Water on Your Hair

While the world is drawn to creams and conditioners for hair improvement, Asia’s oldest practice is all you need for strong and lustrous hair – rice water. Rice grains have a starch content of 75 to 80 percent, which leaves behind a starchy liquid after the rice has been cooked or soaked. Rice water is said to contain many of the vitamins and minerals present in rice. These include amino acids, B vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is a source of benefits galore, and adding it to your hair care routine will only enrich your hair in the most natural and chemical-free way.

Using rice water for hair treatment isn’t new. It originates from the ancient Heian period in Japan when court ladies had beautiful, long hair draped to the floor called suberakashi. The Yao women of Huangluo village in China boast hair that averages 6 feet long. In addition, the Yao women do not begin to get gray hair until they reach their 80s. So what is the secret to their fabulously maintained hair? The one and only: rice water. 

Fast forward to today, and you’ll also find rice-derived ingredients in a growing number of hair products. One of the best parts about this beauty product is that it’s easy to make at home. All you need is rice and water.

Here are some benefits of the ancient hair elixir:

1. Scalp Nourishment

Rice water is a strengthener that supports the scalp environment, improves the condition of the hair cuticle, and boosts shine. Rice has amino acid cysteine, a form of hair protein that provides nutrients and replenishes the scalp. It also balances the pH levels of hair by keeping natural oils intact.

2. Hair Reparation

Another element of rice water, inositol, a naturally-occurring carbohydrate, is found on the ingredient lists of hair growth supplements. Inositol benefits hair in many ways. It increases elasticity, reduces surface friction, and remains inside your strands even after the rice water has been rinsed out.

3. Better Management

Applying rice water increases the manageability of your hair. Some of the advantages people claim to experience are improved elasticity, softer, and stronger hair that is easy to detangle.

4. Hair Growth

Rice water helps to toughen the hair follicle, thereby increasing the production of quality hair that is immune to breakage. It also removes particle buildup on the scalp, allowing healthier hair to grow from the hair roots at a much faster rate. You will not see overnight results, so consistency is a must for gaining long-term improvements in the hair.

5. Thickness

The high starch levels present in rice water coat the outermost layer of hair. This boosts the volume and thickness while creating a smoothing effect for frizzy hair types and split ends. This starch also seals the cuticle of the hair, which makes it much shinier and eliminates dead ends.


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