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 • Beauty  • How To Cope With Dry And Cracked Hands Once Winter Arrives

How To Cope With Dry And Cracked Hands Once Winter Arrives

There is so much to love about winter. Christmas lights, hot chocolate, cozy nights in, amazing food, and family reunions. However, if there is one thing that I struggle with during the colder months, it’s dry skin. While I learned to deal with the dry face on my skin, my hands are still often left feeling dry, cracked, and lifeless.

I would apply my regular hand cream religiously, but it never was enough. No matter how hard I would try, the skin on my hands still felt dry. So I started doing some research to find out if there are some other ways to prevent the damage that cold weather does to the thin skin on our hands. Here are the best tips that I have found.

Always wear gloves 

No matter how cold it would get, I would still avoid wearing gloves. They make life so unnecessarily complicated. I can’t use my phone with them on, I always forget where I left them, and it seems like one of them would always go missing. However, the best way to prevent the damage that low temperatures have on our skin, it to avoid them. While we can’t cover the skin on our face every time we leave our house, we can do it with hands. So whenever you can, make sure you wear gloves. 

Use lotion after every wash

Winter is also flu season, so it’s no surprise that most of us wash our hands more often during the colder months. However, you have ti remember to hydrate your skin after every wash too. The best way to do that is to keep some lotion next to your sink. So every time you wash your hands you will also remember to moisturize them. If you are on the go, make sure to keep a small bottle of lotion or hand cream in your purse.

Look for nourishing ingredients 

When choosing a hand cream or lotion, you have to pick one with rich ingredients. Light-weight formulas that you can get away with in the summer won’t work for you during the colder months. Loon for creams and lotions with ingredients such as oils, shea butter, dimethicone, or glycerin. They will feel a bit heavier for a few minutes, however, after they sink in your hands will soft and hydrated. 


If everything else fails, you can try slugging. Slugging is a fairly new term in the skincare community, and it basically means that you apply a thick layer of vaseline at the end of your skincare routine. Vaseline will prevent trans-epidermal water loss, and it will help the moisturizer you applied underneath it sink in much deeper. While this wouldn’t be convenient during the daytime, you can try slugging at night before going to bed.


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