What Does ‘Inclusivity’ Mean in the Beauty World and Why is It Increasing?
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Over the years we have seen the drastic evolution of the beauty industry. While the beauty industry has given many people confidence, it might not be the same for everyone. Many people agree that the beauty industry has preyed on their insecurities and tried to mold them into the ‘one size fits all’ notion.
However, the one size fits all scenario is getting increasingly redundant as people come to this conclusion: everyone is different. Beauty does not mean perfection. It means accepting your flaws as they are is what makes you perfect. Our flaws make us unique and therein lies our real beauty. The change in the mindset of people has caused the beauty industry to be more thoughtful and inclusive.
‘Inclusive’ is a word we see popping up everywhere. Brands are now claiming to be more inclusive to boost their sales. Market sales for brands that are actually keeping up with their claims have drastically increased. So, what exactly is “inclusive” or “inclusivity”?
Everyone should feel beautiful and accepted by having access to products that are personalized and customized for the mass public, regardless of their race, age, gender, color, sexuality, religion, etc. For decades People of Color have been unable to find their shade of foundation just because industries refused to manufacture their shade. For years, men using beauty products were considered not ‘manly enough’.
Inclusivity is enabling everyone to engage with the beauty industry by creating products specifically designed for them.
If there is one thing that has dramatically caused brands to be more inclusive of everyone; it is the consumers. Many times, we forget, that the actual power lies in the hand of the consumers and the customers. If consumers decide that a product is not worthy enough, the product does not do well in the market despite its branding and marketing.
Consumers have started demanding products that were more inclusive of everyone, no matter their race, color, skin tone, skin type, gender, sexuality, etc. A brand reaches amazing heights when it actually listens to the people who buy its products. Brands started doing that and their sales skyrocketed.
Secondly, people feel welcomed and feel a sense of belonging when they see themselves represented by a brand. In order to do that, brands need to make sure that their ways of marketing are not limited to people only looking a certain way.
When brands start becoming inclusive – like the time when Fenty beauty released 40 shades of foundation and the world went crazy? That is exactly what inclusivity is about. When brands try to cater to more people and start becoming more diverse in order to provide products designed for a greater number of people, people actually gravitate towards those brands. Fenty beauty, Shakeup cosmetics, and Vaseline are the names of a few brands that have tried to become more inclusive.
Even though there is a long way to go, the beauty industry is taking small but sure steps to cater to everyone. In our opinion, that is something to celebrate!
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